Saturday, January 24, 2015

Nibbling away at some pieces on the Ulua

I was able to do some glassing on the safety ama, as well as get the iako finally coated with some epoxy. Lots of little things left at this point- rigging and foils still left to go. And finishing, lots more sanding and then the varnish and painting.

 I like to hit a few things when I have the epoxy out. In the background you can see: the motor/rudder mount, iakos, and precariously at an angle my birdsmouth SUP paddle prototype - this is the 4th time I've broken the blade, so I guess I should finally glass it. The shaft itself is light and strong though! Next one I will work on making pretty and smooth.
 I glassed the safety ama one half at a time, using painters tape to give me a clean line on each side. the next day I just ran a sharp knife down the line and peeled up the tape.

Sometimes I get funny looks when I go back into the house covered in sawdust...

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